Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

Kings 19:18

Marion Witcher is a Christian who is filled with the spirit of God.  As a student of God.

s Wordnd student of God's Word. As a child she heard the preaching of God's Word and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. Throughout her Christian walk, she has participated in and led various ministries ranging from choir and Sunday School to missions.  However, none of these missions have caused her to question \when it came to praise and Many churches still have choirs and others feature praise and worship teams.  Throughout her life, she has noted many changing trends church worship.  how ministry is implemented.  she has noted many changes trends within the church.  For one,  black Protestant and Catholic congregations, the downward trend was pronounced in white Protestant churches. In 2012, pe

As a child she heard the preaching of God's Word and accepted Jesus Christ as her Personal Lord and Savior.  Through consistent biblical teaching and reading the Bible she became involved in the church's missions and choir.   and she began knowing the difference between good and evil in her senvironment.  Her interest in mimes surfaced as an adult when what she came to know as strange fire started appearing in the church where she and her husband attended.  At first, like many others she seemed to embrace the white painted faces adorned by the church members.  

Marion stood up, clapped and enjoyed their performances as choreographed to soulful and meaningful music. Then one Sunday, as she sat on the pew observing the mimes, something disturbed her spirit.  There was this creepy eeriness that made her feel some sort of way.  The spirit of God inside of her let her know that something was off.

As a former writer for Purpose Magazine, who had focused on writing, research and reporting, it was natural for her to want to know more about the mimes in the contest of the church.  She felt the Holy Spirit leading her to research the topic. As she followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit, the information that she uncovered was chilling and resulted in her producing the videos and information appearing on this website.  She also came in contact with Christians and ministers with varying opinions about the topic.  Some laypersons would say, the mimes are bringing young people to the church.  Comments from ministers included, "Not everything we do in church honors God".  Another said, I am glad you did the research, if we as ministers don't receive it, God will hold us accountable. One lay person stated, I don't want to watch the video because then God will hold me accountable.   

The information Marion learned included mimes mocking Jesus Christ, the communion table and His resurrection. She also learned that mimes made fun of persons with disabilities, persecuted and ridiculed Christians and committed suicide on stage.

A former staff writer for Purpose Magazine, Marion's background includes being awarded Writer of the Year for excellence in writing, research and reporting.  She was also awarded Most Dependable Writer of the Year.  

Most importantly, Marion 

Good News!!!

Providing ministries with the information need to equip the people of God with truth.

veral ministers have decided to declare their ministries as Mime-free Zones!